• Next Generation Tea

    Next Generation Tea

    SKU: NG1. Category: .

    Product Description

    This mixture of herbs is a new and substantially improved version of a well known herbal formula. It is designed to address systemal degeneration, and abnormal growths in the body. It will over time, rebalance the composition of the blood, changing the pH towards a more favorable balance between acid and alkaline.

    Ingredients: Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Plantain Leaves, Red Clover, Slippery Elm Bark, Prickly Ash, Rhubarb Root
    Suggested Dosage: Add 2/3rds - 1 teaspoonful of powder to a cup; add requisite number of drops of the 'Next Generation Tincture', then add boiling hot water. stir, let steep 20-30 minutes, strain and use this room temperature Tea to swallow the required number of 'Next Generation Capsules'.
    • Next Generation Tincture

    Next Generation Tincture

    SKU: NG2. Category: .

    Product Description

    Taken with the tea, this tincture will assist the tea’s ability to counteract disturbed cellular growth, enhance the immune system, and act as an anti-parasitic and anti-fungal agent.

    Ingredients: Elecampane Root, Red Root, Astragalus Root, Alcohol, Poke Root, Alcohol
    Suggested Dosage: Add 15 drops to each cup of the NEXT GENERATION/ CAISSE Tea.
    • Next Generation Capsules

    Next Generation Capsules

    SKU: NG3. Category: .

    Product Description

    This powerful anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, germicidal, and anti-bacterial formula, also provides a substantial source of Silica and Oxygen.

    Ingredients: Walnut Leaves, Chaparral, Wild Rice Hulls
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2 capsules with each cup of the "NEXT GENERATION" Tea.
    • Next Generation Starter

    Next Generation Starter Kit

    SKU: NG0. Category: .

    Product Description

    This package represents the latest advancement in the well known tea originally formulated by Rene Caisse back in the 1930′s. As systemal degeneration is a complex condition and may effect many systems, we suggest that this treatment be used in conjunction with other formulations. It is strongly suggested that this program only be used under the supervision of a registered herbal practitioner.

    Ingredients: See individual products for ingredients.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 1 cup of CAISSE TEA in the morning, and again in the afternoon, both times on an empty stomach. Add the NEXT GENERATION tincture as recommended on the bottle, and drink this Tea with the recommended number of NEXT GENERATION capsules. For more serious cases, this Tea can be taken three to four times per day, or as advised by a competent healthcare provider.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used by pregnant or lactating mothers, not to be combined with drug chemotherapy unless under the care and guidance of a qualified and knowledgable doctor.