Please fill in the form below to book your consultation

As part of the consultation process, I will initially ask any number of questions regarding the ailment(s) that have prompted you to seek out my services. After getting some sense of the problem, I then do Iridology or iris examination of both eyes. This is a very reliable diagnostic tool and indicates problem areas in the body that require attention.

Additionally, I ask questions about diet, illnesses, body functions, what your GP has told you, and what you can tell me in the way of additional and seemingly unrelated information that may impact the assessment of your illness. This can include emotional, familial, & even societal issues that can bear upon and even generate ailments.

Most consultations take about an hour, with more complex illnesses such as cancer taking a bit longer. I charge $90. per hour, with the herbs in addition to that fee. Payment can be made with credit card or cash; we formerly accepted cheques but regrettably, experienced NSF issues.

We are open for consultations by appointment only, Monday to  Friday  from 9 am to 4 pm. For those out of province, we can do a telephone consultation, provided  that you send an electronic image of both eyes, taken with  an iris microscope;  nothing else will work to provide the detail necessary for a correct assessment.

We do not do darkfield microscopy, but can refer if desired.

While we have  previously been listed as ‘retired’, we are now back doing consultations again. The retirement was prompted by a bad hip injury  in June (2016)  followed by  contracting Lyme disease from October 2016 up to September 2022.  Both of these issues have been resolved now, and we are taking on cases of Lyme that has been of recent diagnosis.

Please call my office (519) 856-1636 or email me at to book a consultation.