• B.L.T. - Bone Ligament and Tissue

    B.L.T. – Bone Ligament and Tissue

    SKU: EN3. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many years ago, we offered bulk herb formulae in powder form to the health food stores. They in turn sold it in large glass jars; each customer would weigh out the desired amount, bag it up and take it home to put into capsules.

    The more popular ones were usually those of Dr John Christopher,a naturopath, master herbalist, and a devout Mormon from Utah. In the early 80’s, Dr Christopher was a gentle white haired practitioner who was legendary in the USA and Canada. He was a true healer who firmly believed in the healing powder of plants and the Divine Spirit that created them.

    While it can be reasonably argued that all his formulae were inspired to some degree by his faith, one formula stood out as having special significance – that formula was his Bone Ligament & Tissue formula.

    While listening to him at a lecture one day, he described a very bad injury sustained by a young child. The trauma involved broken bones, and serious damage to the flesh on those bones. Dr. Christopher was so compelled by what he saw, that he prayed to God for guidance in what should be given. Immediately, there came to mind a number of herbs (see below) and directions how to prepare and give as treatment.

    Dr Christopher stated that within a very short period of time ( unknown..) the young child was fully healed , with little evidence of the original trauma. He went on to say that he would employ this formula in all cases of broken bones, torn or pulled muscles and ligaments, and any other type of physical trauma that the body might suffer from.

    While we have sold this formula for a number of years now to help treat similar conditions, its substantial and, at times, impressive usefulness in arthritis, is only a recent discovery. It will significantly reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis and in combination with other formulae, will address the underlying fundamental disturbance in blood chemistry. This remedy alone is not intended to correct the arthritic condition; rather it is used as an adjunct in the overall treatment a practitioner might suggest. Whether knitting together broken bones, rebuilding damaged tissue, or assisting with post-operative surgical interventions, the BLT formula offers significant restorative action. Length of treatment will vary from case to case; however a period of at least one month is suggested as a minimum time to allow for these herbs to work. More chronic and serious cases naturally will require much longer time periods before noticing lasting improvement.

    NOTE: this formula should not be used during pregnancy or by nursing mothers.

    Ingredients: White Oak Bark, Comfrey Rt., Althea Rt. , Mullein Leaves, Walnut Leaves, Gravel Rt., Wormwood, Scullcap
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3 capsules morning, and again late afternoon or evening.
    Contra-Indications: This formula should not be used during pregnancy or by nursing mothers.
    • Pancreas Tonic

    Pancreas Tonic

    SKU: EN19. Category: .

    Product Description

    The perception of the pancreas as just being responsible for blood sugar irregularities, is only partly true: it also looks after the production of a number of key digestive enzymes: lipase, protease, and amylase. In addition, it produces Sodium Bicarbonate to neutralize the stomach acids in the food mass, as it enters the small intestine for absorption. Equally, it must be kept in mind that another of its digestive enzymes called pancreatin, not only digests proteins, but also serves to help digest cancer cells in the body. The onset of many cancers, is inextricably linked to a deficiency of the pancreas. When we suffer from digestive upsets, particularly what was once referred to as bilious colic – notable for the belching, and other eructations, both the pancreas and liver are involved. Equally, the pancreas can be the ‘dark horse’ in obstinate cases of constipation. The pancreas takes it signal from the liver; when one is deficient, it leads to the other falling down in its duties. This particular mixture of herbs will help to restore the functioning of the pancreas in these two key areas: normalizing insulin production, and that of enzymatic activity.

    Ingredients: Utah Juniper Berries, Bugleweed, Dandelion Root, Bitter Melon, Hibiscus Flowers, Dulse, Licorice Root
    Suggested Dosage: Best results are obtained through a gradual introduction. Start by having 1 capsule before breakfast, and again before the evening meal. This can be increased to 2 capsules each time after 1 week has passed. Take for a period of 1 month, then break for 1-2 weeks. Resume afterwards for another month, unless directed otherwise by a qualified practitioner.
    • Clove Combination

    Clove Combination

    SKU: EN6. Category: .

    Product Description

    This mixture is used as part of the Parasite regimen. Cloves will kill the eggs of parasites. Unless they are dealt with, they will continue the life cycle, and mature later on, into the adult form. For those who have IBS, Crohn’s and other inflammatory conditions, ½ to 1 capsule sprinkled over / mixed into apple sauce or other pureed fruit. See PARA(dosage).

    Ingredients: Cloves, Cinnamon
    Suggested Dosage: Take 1 -2 capsules every time you take the recommended number of capsules of the PARA formula
    Contra-Indications: Not to be taken during pregnancy (may cause uter. stim.) or nursing (taste of milk is affected)
    • Purseng


    SKU: EN21. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many years ago, my grandfather, a doctor in Scotland, would dose his children every Spring with a mixture of Sulphur and molasses. This tonic was meant to loosen the detritus of the winter diet, heavy with starch, meat and few vegetables. While well intended, the Sulphur was in elemental form, and thus tended to produce weak acids (sulphurous, etc) that did little more than tarnish the silver medallion they wore around their neck to check on the elimination of the Sulphur through the skin. While we all benefit from a regular cleansing/rebuilding regimen for the blood, it is necessary to employ those herbs that have organized Sulphur, and other minerals in their make-up. This synergistic blend includes a number of herbs, roots and barks that provide excellent germicidal, and anti-bacterial action. Further, there are herbs that provide substantial nutritive and sanative effect In addition, other herbs provide dissolving and astringent qualities, while others supply much needed minerals to help shift the (ph) balance back in favor of normal values. This formula can be combines well with SEA-LEV as an powerful restorative to the blood. Some may need KPH1 (Kidney Tonic) to assist in flushing the waste matter out . Check with a qualified practitioner if in doubt.

    Ingredients: Echinacea Angustifolia Root, Burdock Root, Spikenard Root, Oregon Grape Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Yellow Dock Root, Yarrrow, Celandine, Red Clover
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules, after breakfast, and again after the evening meal.
    Contra-Indications: This formula should not be taken during pregnancy; while nursing; or while on anti-coagulants
    • D'nama


    SKU: EN7. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many people today suffer from heart disorders – palpitations, high blood pressure, tacchycardia, dysrythmia, etc. Given the fast-paced and stressful lifestyle that we lead today, it is not surprising that the heart tends to have problems carrying out is ceaseless activity. When we suffer from prolonged and unresolved stress, when our nerves are taut and on edge, this will always affect the heart. Our reliance on questionable foods such as fried or junk foods and the like, will equally contribute to the weakening of this tireless worker. Over time, the heart muscle becomes sensitive, inflamed and especially malnourished. The blood that bathes it seems unable to provide the necessary mineral salts and compounds to quell this disturbance. Given the endless bio-electrical activity behind the heartbeat, it is therefore most important for the heart to be given the appropriate ratios of minerals such as Potassium to Sodium, and Magnesium to Calcium. It is for this reason that we have combined the herbs listed above. Hawthorn and Motherwort both supply organic Calcium Chloride to nourish and support the heart muscle. Further, they also contain needed cardiac glycosides that serve to calm and pace the contractions, while gently lowering the blood pressure. Finally, glyco-proteins (mucopolysaccharides) in the Hawthorn help to sooth and restore irritated tissues.

    Ingredients: Hawthorn Berry and Flowers, Motherwort, Bugleweed, Red Sage Rt., Linden Flowers, Mistletoe, Rosemary Lvs.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-4 capsules mid-morning, and again late afternoon or evening. This can be combined with Hawthorn Tincture for those experiencing frequent and pronounced palpitations. See Hawthorn Tincture.
    Contra-Indications: This formula should not be used by those on pharmaceutical products for the heart. Consult your healthcare practitioner for further advice.
    • Para


    SKU: EN22. Category: .

    Product Description

    According to many reputable health care experts, both in the field of natural healthcare and modern medicine, parasites are now a major problem. They are, or can be responsible for a plethora of conditions such as chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, Chrohn’s Disease, male/female reproductive tract problems, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, anemia, erratic blood sugar levels ,poor appetite, rapid hair loss, mental or physical lethargy, bloating, poor sleep patterns, and many, many other conditions. In fact, some holistic doctors have even attributed some forms of mental illness and even psychosis, to the invasion of the mind and body by parasites. While approximately 30% reside in the intestinal tract, the remaining 70% can burrow into muscle (fibromyalgia) articulated joints (rheumatoid arthritis) the liver , spleen, pancreas (fluctuating sugar levels…), sinus cavities, soft tissue, reproductive tracts, in fact, anywhere in the body they can find a quiet little place to hang out and call home .One parasite in particular (necator americanus) can secrete a substance that tricks the immune system by masking its presence in the body. This is not to suggest that the situation is hopeless, or that we are powerless to do anything about it; on the contrary, Nature has given us many herbal agents that will help rid us of these unwanted ‘guests’. One of the first steps is to clean out the bowel (or tissues) of any accumulated matter that they can feed upon. This matter may be in the bowel – large or small, or it may be the gradual accumulation over time, of matter that has been deposited in the interstices of tissue, anywhere in the body. Ideally, the filtering aspects of the body – the liver and kidneys, should be able to handle this, but in reality,, they become clogged and underfunctioning over time. The end result is that the blood becomes very toxic and acidic…. a perfect breeding ground for parasites and other pathogens. Parasites can range in size from the microscopic protozoa , to the larger ‘helminth’ type worms such as the fish or pork tapeworm that can grow up to 20+ feet in length. Over the past 5-6 years, we have refined our formula to deal with most of the more common parasites and sizes of worms. (for serious cases of tapeworms, we have an additional Tincture to take with this formula…) We have dealt successfully with the microscopic parasites, entamoeba hystolitica, e. parvifolium, e.hartmanii, etc. This formula will also work on the blastocystis hominis parasite that can cause explosive diarrhea, as well as lumbricoid and pinworms. We have literally searched the world for the best anthelmintic or worm killing herbs, and combined them with some of the best that grow here in Ontario. This formula, combined with a change in diet, an increase in friendly bacteria in the gut, and the concerted effort to pursue an appropriate regimen will result in the elimination of these freeloaders. As with the doctors in Germany, who place their patients on a parasite cleanse once a year regardless, we do strongly recommend the same program frequency here in north America as well. Prevention as a pre-emptive approach, will work wonders for you and your family. Recommendations: Take this formula along with the bottled CLOVES and the WALNUT HULL TINCTURE. The CLOVES will kill the eggs of the parasites, and the WALNUT HULL provides powerful support to the PARA formula.

    Ingredients: Walnut Leaves, Hercampuri, Walnut Hulls, Elecampane Root, Wormwood, Tansy, Quassia Bark, Epazote Anedda Bark, Casara Sagrada, Olive Leaves
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3 capsules mid-morning and again late afternoon or early evening.
    Contra-Indications: Do not take in cases of inflammatory processes in the bowel, or while pregnant or nursing.
    • Electra


    SKU: EN8. Category: .

    Product Description

    Diseases today are born of exhaustion – both biochemical and nerve exhaustion; for this reason, one of the most unnoticed, yet consistent forces affecting our health, is stress and its debilitating effects (over time) on our nerves and immunity. Many people live in high stress lifestyles, via traveling to work ,the work itself, noise/air pollution, etc. We malnourish our bodies with devitalized foods, thus depriving our nerves of the nourishment they require.. Relationships today are fraught with potentially stressful situations, whether it be familial, inter-personal, marital, or especially, societal. All of these can and do have a markedly diminishing effect on the nerves, causing us to be tense ,irritable ,moody, unable to sleep at night, and then carry out the next day’s duties and obligations. Irritated nerve filaments can, over time, initiate first hyper, then ultimately, hypo functioning of various organs, glands and systems, thus leading to a variety of ailments. When our nerves are depleted, we feel stressed, our sleep suffers, as do our relationships; our gut may be tied up in knots, constipation may ensue. We feel tired and drag ourselves out of bed, looking for the quick fix in a cup or three of coffee; tempers may flare, leading to ‘road-rage’, and most ominously of all, we may feel that there is no way out of our situation – whether a student, a disgruntled worker or a housewife looking after equally frustrated children. In all of these cases, we need to look after and feed our nerves. In addition to the holidays considered, or the day off work spent relaxing, it is imperative that we provide definite and appropriate support to the nerve force. This support comes in many forms – it could be the B-vitamins that are essential for proper nerve tone and function; it could also be found in Lecithin, a substance that helps to rebuild the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve filament. However, one of the best sources of (phyto) nutrients is found in the combination of roots and herbs in our ELECTRA. This formula is designed to not only provide immediate relief for stress, but to gradually help restore the nerves, thanks to the generous amounts of easily assimilable organic salts of Calcium, Magnesium and Silica. These herbs also provide specific compounds that soothe and sedate an overactive mind and body. St. John’s Wort and Scullcap – two of the stellar ingredients found herein,are of immense benefit in nerve exhaustion,poor sleep, volatility of the nerves, and even mild to moderate cases of depression. Roots such as Valerian promote a deep and sound sleep,while others such as Motherwort and Mistletoe calm the heart. This formula can be used over long periods of time to act as the aforementioned restorative for the nerves; equally, it can be used for the short term, in cases of disrupted sleep due to moments of stress. In either case, it is safe, effective and sure in its effect.

    Ingredients: Skullcap, Valerian Root, Blue Vervain, St. John’s Wort, Chamomile Flowers, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Red Clover, Catnip.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3-4 capsules before retiring, in cases of poor sleep. As a restorative, take 2 capsules mid-morning, and again late afternoon, or mid-evening. For best results, take on an empty stomach.
    Contra-Indications: This should not be used in combination with either MAO inhibitors, or SSRI agents such as Paxil, etc. Those on heart medications should likewise avoid its use, and as in most cases of herbs. NOT to be used during pregnancy.
    • Prana


    SKU: EN25. Category: .

    Product Description

    A number of years ago, Ed McCabe, one of North America’s foremost authorities on Oxygen therapies, stated that the amount of available Oxygen in the environment, had dropped from 19-21% at the turn of the century, to a current 13-15%, and, in the big cities, around 9-11%. Couple this with the findings of Dr. Otto Warburg, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1933, for proving (amongst other things) that cancer was caused by a lack of Oxygen at the cellular level, and one can begin to appreciate just exactly why cancer is so rampant in our world today. Yet in spite of this information, smoking continues, pollution increases, and human suffering grows in direct proportion to our continual ignorance of the basic need for Oxygen and healthy lungs to ‘capture’ it from the air that we breathe. Is it any wonder that so many people, especially in the big cities, suffer from asthma, bronchitis, lung disorders and a variety of related conditions ? Candida especially,- an example of an anaerobic or oxygen deficient condition, is aggravated by insufficient amounts of Oxygen, and our lungs inability to provide the cells of the body with generous amounts of this life-giving element . Of further concern, is that the lungs are a bit of a dumping ground for matter from the blood; not only do they exchange gases, but waste matter is deposited in the lungs from the bloodstream. The vital force of the body simply uses this venue to eliminate this ‘sludge’ from our system; however, a chronic cough soon develops, in an effort to expectorate this matter from the lungs and bronchi.It is very important to to help this process, by eliminating mucous forming foods from our diet: milk and cheese being the biggest culprits, followed by white flour products. PRANA has been formulated to help dissolve this catarrh and stimulate its expectoration. It will also help reduce inflammation , nourish alveolar tissue, and restore the lungs capacity to throw off carbon dioxide, and take in copious amounts of life giving Oxygen.

    Ingredients: Fenugreek Seeds, Elecampane Root, Wild Cherry Bark, Gum Plant, Horehound, Mullein Leaves, St. John’s Wort, Nettle, Althea Rt., Aniseseed.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules, mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and mid-evening.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used by pregnant or lactating women, or combined with pharmaceuticals for broncho-pulmonary disorders.
    • Gaia


    SKU: EN9. Category: .

    Product Description

    Candida Albicans and its analogs are a very common condition today amongst both women and men. Primarily, this is a condition characterized by a fermentative process, brought on by insufficient Oxygen in the blood and tissues. Partly, this is due to the atmosphere – the amount of available Oxygen has dropped significantly since the turn of the century. Complicating matters further can be the problem of weak lungs, combined with low levels of Iron in the blood (Fe. attracts O2…), poor diet, stress and intestinal stasis. Combine this with the tendency to eat sugar in all its forms and products (even Ketchup!), then you have the ideal scenario for fermentation to take place. It must be emphasized that the use of antibiotics, however well intentioned, will eliminate the ‘good’ bacteria that keep Candida Albicans in check; this is probably the number one contributing factor that brings on this condition known simply as candida or yeast infections. Candida can involve one or more of the following symptoms: athlete’s foot, jock itch /yeast infections, mucus in the stool, bloating in the abdomen after eating, off-white coating of the tongue, rashes such as psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, ringing/itchiness in the ears, poor short term memory, cloudy thinking, along with a preference for sweets and yeasted foods (bread/beer). While this is not an exhaustive list, these symptoms are typical. This preparation contains a number of herbs that will specifically eliminate the fermentation, and the (end stage) fungus that characterizes this condition. Others provide an astringent action to reduce the swollen and inflamed tissues, others still will provide germicidal action, while the remainder offer support to the immune system. This formula should be taken with the WALNUT HULL TINCTURE to give stronger support to the main thrust of the above-mentioned herbs. Diet as well should be altered, preferably after consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner. Of specific benefit is the elimination of sugar(s) and yeast (bread, beer.).

    Ingredients: Walnut Leaves, Jewelweed, Sheep Sorrel, Cedar Leaves, Chaparral Leaves, Purple Loosestrife, Echinacea Rt., Olive Leaves, Rue, Walnut Hulls, Cloves.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules between meals, 2-3 times per day, depending on severity.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used while pregnant or nursing.
    • Regena


    SKU: EN26. Category: .

    Product Description

    One of the most common and re-occurring problems is that of disturbances in the reproductive tracts of women .In the past 10-12 years, more and more do we see examples of young girls entering the time of their menses quite early, but even then, with difficult cycles more commonly seen in women who were in their thirties before they had such problems.This latter group in turn, have noted that their monthly cycle has become progressively more difficult as the years go by. Finally, women in their forties increasingly undergo hysterectomies on the advice of their doctors, as a way to escape the protracted and difficult periods they endure. Even the onset of the menarche, brings with it disturbances in hormonal balances, and it s attendant problems of mood swings, hot flashes, disturbed sleep ,etc. Aside from hormonal components to the above problems(which are best dealt with by our OMEGA)there is a need to address the bloating ,pelvic fullness, severe cramping ,heavy and prolonged flows, and other debilitating symptoms that occur all too frequently. Attention must be paid to diet – which is a major contributor in that junk foods ,fried foods ,excessive meat consumption/sparse vegetables and fruits contribute to overly acidic, congested blood. Lifestyle and stress likewise add to the mix, with the end result that the reproductive tract , by default, can act as a channel to help eliminate toxic waste matter.This is the primary cause of the irritation to the nerves, tissue congestion, pain, etc that are experienced. It is for the above reasons, that we have designed this particular blend. These herbs and roots will help to strengthen and tone the reproductive system…. eliminating the deposition of matter in the cells ,nourishing and astringing the tissues, calming the nerves, and provide a soothing and toning influence to tissues and ligaments damaged by long term irritation.

    Ingredients: Squaw Vine, Cramp Bark, Raspberry Leaves, White Pond Lily Root, Solomon’s Seal Root, Uva Ursi Leaves, Beth Root, Lady’s Mantle, False Unicorn Root.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3 capsules morning and again late afternoon or early evening.
    Contra-Indications: Do not take with drugstore medicines for similar conditions or during pregnancy. As the woman’s reproductive tract is sensitive, we have selected herbs with a gentle nature. They are cumulative in effect and for best results in chronic conditions, it is suggested that this formula be used for at least 6-8 months.
    • Helios


    SKU: EN10. Category: .

    Product Description

    One of the most common problems among older men these days, is that of prostatic weakness. This gland, shaped like a walnut, is nestled in between the bladder, and the basal mass of tissue (vas deferens, bulbous urethra ,etc) that continue on to form the body and character of the male reproductive tract . While quietly performing its function during youth and early adulthood, disturbances tend to arise by the time the man reaches the age of 45-50 years of age. Medical science has given the name of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) to describe some of the more common difficulties associated with this gland. Typical symptoms include: disturbances in sexual function, frequent urination due to pressure on the bladder by the swollen prostate, perhaps even a burning sensation or pain where there is localized infection and irritation. A drop in the production of testosterone, and a corresponding rise in the production of dihydrotestosterone trigger the fibrinous growth that characterize this condition. The resultant sluggish circulation in and through this fibrinous matter allows for the infiltration and deposition of waste matter from the blood. This sets up the local irritation and infections found in many cases of prostatic enlargement. Treating such a condition involves both specific herbs and nutritional support. Two of the best herbs that are both tonifying and restorative in nature, are Small Flower Willow herb and Saw Palmetto, both found in our HELIOS formula. Traditionally used in Europe, Small Flower Willow has been very successful in relieving painful and frequent urination. Recent research on Saw Palmetto has found a number of compounds that specifically reverse the formation of dihydrotestosterone. It is the latter hormone that is responsible for the swelling associated with BPH. Studies have found that it is very effective in shrinking the swollen prostate, thus relieving pressure on the bladder and the resultant need for frequent urination. We have included Echinacea Root for those cases where there is an infection, although for most pronounced cases of pain and infection, we would suggest supplementation with Echinacea Root Tincture, or even Goldenseal Root Tincture. These two Tinctures can admirably serve to stimulate immune function and eliminate bacteria and pathogens. Burdock Root is added for its ability to gradually move matter out of tissues, into the blood stream for resolution and elimination by the kidneys or liver. The consistent use of this formula will shrink a swollen prostate, normalize hormone production, eliminate pathogens, and in the long run, greatly reduce the need for surgical intervention. We have a number of cases who have been using this preparation for 3-5 years, and have saved them from having an operation (TURP), with resulting impairment of sexual function.

    Ingredients: Small Flower Willow Herb, Saw Palmetto Berry, Gravel Root, Burdock Root, Echinacea Root, Chickweed.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3-4 capsules morning and again late afternoon or early evening.
    Contra-Indications: Do not combine with drug-store medications for the same condition.
    • Sea-Lev


    SKU: EN27. Category: .

    Product Description

    This combination of the previous ‘LEVITICUS’ and ‘SEA-VEG’ provides substantial amounts of two key metabolic nutrients: Iodine & Iron – the former as Potassium Iodide and the latter as Chlorides, Phosphates, Sulphates etc, of Iron. Those containing Iodine are pivotal in the stimulation of the thyroid, and the herbs containing Iron – in the regeneration of the blood. Additionally, one must consider the trace mineral profile(s) of the Nettles, Dulse and Bladderwrack, as well as their glycoproteins / mucopolysaccharide content, and the immune-potentiating ‘fucoidans’ (Bladderwrack). Viewed thus, it becomes apparent how this formula will assist the blood to provide comprehensive nourishment to the whole of the endocrine system and the body’s attendant organs, glands and systems. Further, the pH of the blood: the boundary line between acid & alkaline (base) requires plenty of the various mineral ions to determine the ideal value of between 6.5 and 7.5. When the pH is too high or too low, enzymatic activity is greatly reduced, with the resultant metabolic processes reduced to a minimum. This formula is most useful for depleted or chronic conditions of the blood and circulatory system, and as additional background support for many other conditions .

    Ingredients: Dulse, Nettles, Bladderwrack, Irish Moss, Dandelion Leaves, Blackberry Leaves, Red Clover
    Suggested Dosage: 2 – 4 capsules, twice daily. Dosage should be in direct relation to age, weight, and chronic nature of the ailment.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be combined with pharmaceutical medications for hypothyroidism or low Iron.
    • KPH I

    KPH I

    SKU: EN12. Category: .

    Product Description

    The incredible importance of the kidneys can best be appreciated by thinking of those who have to undergo dialysis: they simply must have their blood cleaned, or they will quickly poison themselves with the waste from metabolic activity. It is that basic: the kidneys filter continuously, all the blood in the body, removing harmful acids and waste products, creatinine, urea and the like. Over time, these sensitive apparati can become clogged and deficient in their functioning. Waste matter can go back into circulation, acidifying the blood, irritating nerve fibres, promoting inflammation of tissue, etc. This disturbance in acid:alkaline(base) ratio(s), precipitates out of solution needed minerals, causing a further domino effect on our health. Looking at it another way, the body functions similar to a battery; there must be a slightly alkaline(base) component to the blood, as well as a slightly acidic nature to the tissues.Only when there is this optimal balance, can innate bodily processes take place. It is the kidneys that filter or retain mineral ions that directly determine this subtle electro-potential. When the kidneys start to fail in this regard, we tend to suffer from a tired sluggish feeling; muscles ache due to retained lactic acid, back-aches occur, we tend to get up in the night to void urine, sometimes repeatedly. KPH 1 contains a very synergistic blend of herbs, designd to break up deposits of gravel in the kidneys and bladder/ureter. Others reduce inflammation, astringe swollen tissue, promote diuresis, and eliminate infection. This exacting formula can be taken as a periodic tonic – possibly as part of a Spring de-tox program, or as an adjunct to therapies for arthritic/rheumatic conditions.

    Ingredients: Couch Grass, Juniper Berry, Wild Carrot, Queen of the Meadow, Goldenrod, Gravel Root, Corn Silk, Uva Ursi Leaves, Button Snake Root
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules after breakfast, and again after evening meal
    Contra-Indications: DO NOT combine with pharmaceuticals that are either diuretics or heart medications, unless you first consult with a medical doctor familiar with herbal medicine.
    • Therma


    SKU: EN29. Category: .

    Product Description

    Disease may start in the bowel, but it gets a ‘push’ from a deficient digestive system. When we are lacking in digestive ‘fire’, foods are not entirely or adequately processed. Enzymatic activity may be impaired on the part of the liver or pancreas; the stomach may not produce enough hydrochloric acid; pepsin and other digestive ferments may be missing or incomplete… many things can and do go wrong in the alimentary canal, including upsets in the pattern of alkaline(mouth) acid(stomach) alkaline(small intestine) and acid(large intestine) sequences. In this regard, the pancreas make be unable to produce enough sodium bicarbonate to neutralize residual stomach acid in the food mass as it reaches the small intestine. Absorption is thus impaired, the villi of this stretch of the intestine may become irritated, and sensitive, a certain pre-cursor to (some) food allergies. The obvious need to correct dietary indiscretions that directly overwork the digestive apparatus – junk foods, fatty foods, over-indulgence of starches, etc must be eliminated or greatly reduced. Finally, the periodic use of the above formula will serve to eliminate dyspepsia, hypchlorydia (insuffic. Hydrochloric Acid) chronic heartburn, excessive gas and flatulence. By correcting the organ/gland/systemal dysfunction, digestion and absorption improve, cellular nourishment increases, and the heaviness after meals fades into memory.

    Ingredients: Blue Vervain, Toadflax, Wormwood, Gentian Root, Elecampane Root, St. John’s Wort, Fennel Seed, Celandine, Barberry Bark, Evening Primrose
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules 5-10 minutes before breakfast, and again before the evening meal.
    Contra-Indications: Do NOT combine with other digestive bitters, or parasite programs involving additional Wormwood. This formula should NOT be used if there is any inflammatory process, ie ulcers, Crohn's, IBS, etc. This formula should not be taken during pregnancy or nursing.
    • Hepa


    SKU: EN11. Category: .

    Product Description

    The liver is the most important organ in the whole body. It performs upwards of 400+ different functions, ranging from filtering, neutralizing, fixating, storing, transforming, regulating, etc, etc. It is the main filter for the body, and as such, can become congested and overcome with toxic byproducts of poor digestion,.chemicals in the food chain, the environment, and even the air we breathe. Additional functions of the liver include storage of Vitamin A & D, Iron, production of bile necessary to break down fats and stimulate peristalsis. It is specifically involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, all of which find their way into energy production. Thus it becomes readily apparent that we need to care for and look after this most important part of our body. When we suffer from constipation, or the stool is dark in color, have head-aches, feel tired after eating, have a sallow or pasty complexion; when our tongue is coated, hair is oily, and our skin dry (in winter), all of these lead back to a faulty liver. The herbs in this formula are designed to restore functional activity to a sluggish congested liver. They accomplish this by dissolving the build-up of waste in the sinusoid cavities, and Kuppfer cells of the liver, where filtration takes place. Other herbs will renew the production of bile and bile salts, while others still stimulate a lazy small and large intestine, to push this matter down the path for eventual elimination. Inflamed surfaces are soothed by the mucilage, and tertiary effects include astringents and mineral salts specific for the operation of the liver/gall bladder complex. This restoration will take time. In more serious cases of liver congestion, it would be prudent to take this formula for a period of 1-2 years on a cyclical basis, ie 3-4 months of usage, with 1 month off between the next regimen. In cases such as this, always consult with a qualified practitioner.

    Ingredients: Dandelion Root, Blue Vervain, Blessed Thistle, Barberry Bark, Nettles, St John’s Wort, Blue Flag Root, Toadflax, Elecampane Root, Yarrow, Althea Root, Red Root
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules, before breakfast, and again before the evening meal. As with all of these formulae, the dosage should be modified according to age, weight and severity of condition
    Contra-Indications: This should not be used in cases of inflammation in the liver, eg Hep. C, etc. Equally it should NOT be used during pregnancy or nursing.
    • Omega


    SKU: EN. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many women today suffer from hormonal fluctuations and disturbances. Either through the onset of the menopause, or because of a complete hysterectomy, there is a need to supplement the body’s deficient production of necessary estrogen and progesterone. Quite rightfully, these women are leery of taking the synthetic forms from the drugstore; medical science itself recognizes that synthetic forms of estrogen will exacerbate and promote the onset of cancer. While there is a safer synthetic version, the pharmaceutical companies seem to prefer a form that is more economical to produce. To fill this need, we have formulated a particular mixture of herbs that have pre-cursors of both estrogen and progesterone; both of these hormones tend to diminish with age, and are therefore required as supplements. Dong Quai Rt is one of the more preferred sources of the hormone estrogen, and has been traditionally used to regulate the menstrual cycle because of these hormone like compounds. Wild Yam Rt will help supply progesterone, which will help for example, in cases ofPMS, when estrogen levels are too high. Licorice Rt is added for its affinity for the adrenal glands that produce very small amounts of estrogen. In addition to glycyrrizin, one of the active compounds will tend to balance out level of both hormones, raising one if it is too low, and decreasing the other if it is too high. False Unicorn Rt is added simply because it is one of the finest harmonizing herbal agents for the reproductive tract, providing nourishment to the tissues and being soothing to the mucous membranes. Chaste Tree berries have the unique ability to lower production of FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone – which produces more estrogen, and to stimulate production of LH: Leutinizing Hormone – which will increase production of progesterone. Thus, in combination with Licorice Rt, and the harmonizing influence of False Unicorn Rt, they will act to balance both hormones in the body. Dulse is added for its nourishing effect on the thyroid, which, as part of the endocrine system, sends the appropriate signals to the rest of the organs and glands, including the reproductive tract.

    Ingredients: Dong Quai Rt, Wild Yam Rt, Black Cohosh Rt, Ladys Mantle, Motherwort, Chaste Tree Berries, False Unicorn Rt, Althea Rt, Licorice Rt, Dulse.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-4 capsules, morning afternoon and/or evening. Base line dosage for a woman of average weight, height, etc would be 3 capsules, twice a day.
    Contra-Indications: Do not take while pregnant or lactating, or with conventional HRT.
    • KPH II

    KPH II

    SKU: EN13. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many of the early eclectic practitioners have stated that disease starts in the bowel. Even today, this statement carries a lot of weight and truth. Dysbiosis – the biological dysfunctioning of a given system, occurs more often in the large bowel. Candida Albicans and its analogs, are a prime example of what happens when the intestinal flora is seriously disturbed. The retention of waste matter lends itself to this event. Fermentation of matter, the ensuing growth of pathogenic bacteria, the production of gases, etc all contribute to a state of dysbiosis. Inflammation can occur (IBS, Chrohn’s, et al) dull headaches follow, possible hypothyroidism, coated tongue, bad breath, sluggish liver and on and on… Quite simply, the food that we eat, is only beneficial for us for the time it takes to extract the good from it; afterwards, the end products of metabolism can do us harm. The retention of old fecal matter can and will line the inside of the bowel and contribute to the aforementioned ailments. The above herbs will serve to stimulate peristaltic activity and the production of bile; they will relax spasms in the gut, reduce inflammation, and promote a soft well formed stool. Bowel motility will improve, evacuations increase in volume and frequency until a more regular schedule begins.

    Ingredients: Cascara Sagrada Bark, Barberry Bark, Catnip, Fennel Seed, Purple Loosestrife, Black Root, Rhubarb Root, Mandrake Root
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-4 capsules at night, 15-20 minutes before retiring. Modify dose according to age weight, height and degree of constipation. If necessary for more obstinate, chronic conditions, repeat dose in morning. Discontinue if any discomfort persists.
    Contra-Indications: DO NOT combine with pharmaceutical laxatives or anti-diarrhea medications.
    • Limbrlith


    SKU: EN15. Category: .

    Product Description

    This combination of roots barks and herbs is most suitable for the aches, pains and inflammation of ‘sour’ or overly acidic blood in the body. Arthritis, gout and even some aspects of rheumatism all reflect the disturbances caused by an improper diet, poor liver & kidney function, as well as the formative influences of chronic negative emotions ( bitterness, resentment, etc. )The result is an over-acidification of the blood, that initially , uses up the bio-available organic Sodium in the body. (… one reason why arthritic persons can have digestive upsets – Sodium is stored in the walls of the stomach..). The depletion of organic Sodium which will hold inflammation in check, is then followed by an increase in inflammatory responses, ie. pain in joints, stiffness, and a lack of synovial membrane fluid. The oxidative stress associated with ( rheumatoid) arthritis is due to the accumulation of toxic matter in the blood, due , as noted earlier, to poor filtration by the liver & kidneys. The presence of this matter stimulates both immune function, and the accompanying prostaglandin & cytokine cascade. Diet will play a most important part here, with a greater emphasis on vegetables and most fruits; this needs to be accompanied by a significant reduction in the intake of red meats and processed foods. Depending on the willingness of the patient to adopt these measures, the use of this formula: buttressed and supported by either a Liver or Kidney Tonic, and the daily use of Goat Whey powder, will result in major improvement, if not ultimate elimination of this condition. The influence of negative emotions on this ailment must be kept in mind.

    Ingredients: Burdock Root, Jeffersonia Root, Yarrow, Celery Seed, Boneset, Anedda Bark, Prickly Ash Bark, Yucca Root
    Suggested Dosage: 3 capsules mid-morning and again late afternoon OR mid-evening. Age, height, weight, and severity of the condition must be taken into consideration.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used with pharmaceutical drugs for the same condition.
    • Lymco


    SKU: EN16. Category: .

    Product Description

    The blood and circulatory system has an ‘underground’ companion: that of the lymphatic system. Designed to help remove intra-cellular waste, the metabolization of fats, and, more importantly, support the immune system, this waste carrier can succumb to congestion and a resultant backlog of matter in the tissues. This failure stems from an a priori deficiency in the filtration of the blood by the liver and kidneys, the resultant thickening of the blood, and poor elimination. Constriction of the tissue surrounding the lymphatic system, due to increasing acidification, (low pH = greater contraction of muscles) or lack of Magnesium and Calcium can also impede elimination, and promote stagnation. This mixture of herbs and roots is designed to help dilute this congested material, speed its removal from the passageways and lymph nodes, rebuild the mucin layer, and restore the economy of function to this silent guardian of our health.

    Ingredients: Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Blue Flag Root, Mullein Leaves, Yellow Dock Root, Prickly Ash Bark.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules, morning and again late afternoon. If necessary, and as determined by practitioner intervention, this could be taken a third time in the evening. Due to the gradual accumulation and deposition of matter over time, the successful outcome of this formula may dictate a time period of 6 months to 2 years or more of regular use. Please consult a qualified practitioner if in doubt.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used during pregnancy.