• Helios


    SKU: EN10. Category: .

    Product Description

    One of the most common problems among older men these days, is that of prostatic weakness. This gland, shaped like a walnut, is nestled in between the bladder, and the basal mass of tissue (vas deferens, bulbous urethra ,etc) that continue on to form the body and character of the male reproductive tract . While quietly performing its function during youth and early adulthood, disturbances tend to arise by the time the man reaches the age of 45-50 years of age. Medical science has given the name of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) to describe some of the more common difficulties associated with this gland. Typical symptoms include: disturbances in sexual function, frequent urination due to pressure on the bladder by the swollen prostate, perhaps even a burning sensation or pain where there is localized infection and irritation. A drop in the production of testosterone, and a corresponding rise in the production of dihydrotestosterone trigger the fibrinous growth that characterize this condition. The resultant sluggish circulation in and through this fibrinous matter allows for the infiltration and deposition of waste matter from the blood. This sets up the local irritation and infections found in many cases of prostatic enlargement. Treating such a condition involves both specific herbs and nutritional support. Two of the best herbs that are both tonifying and restorative in nature, are Small Flower Willow herb and Saw Palmetto, both found in our HELIOS formula. Traditionally used in Europe, Small Flower Willow has been very successful in relieving painful and frequent urination. Recent research on Saw Palmetto has found a number of compounds that specifically reverse the formation of dihydrotestosterone. It is the latter hormone that is responsible for the swelling associated with BPH. Studies have found that it is very effective in shrinking the swollen prostate, thus relieving pressure on the bladder and the resultant need for frequent urination. We have included Echinacea Root for those cases where there is an infection, although for most pronounced cases of pain and infection, we would suggest supplementation with Echinacea Root Tincture, or even Goldenseal Root Tincture. These two Tinctures can admirably serve to stimulate immune function and eliminate bacteria and pathogens. Burdock Root is added for its ability to gradually move matter out of tissues, into the blood stream for resolution and elimination by the kidneys or liver. The consistent use of this formula will shrink a swollen prostate, normalize hormone production, eliminate pathogens, and in the long run, greatly reduce the need for surgical intervention. We have a number of cases who have been using this preparation for 3-5 years, and have saved them from having an operation (TURP), with resulting impairment of sexual function.

    Ingredients: Small Flower Willow Herb, Saw Palmetto Berry, Gravel Root, Burdock Root, Echinacea Root, Chickweed.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3-4 capsules morning and again late afternoon or early evening.
    Contra-Indications: Do not combine with drug-store medications for the same condition.
    • Gaia


    SKU: EN9. Category: .

    Product Description

    Candida Albicans and its analogs are a very common condition today amongst both women and men. Primarily, this is a condition characterized by a fermentative process, brought on by insufficient Oxygen in the blood and tissues. Partly, this is due to the atmosphere – the amount of available Oxygen has dropped significantly since the turn of the century. Complicating matters further can be the problem of weak lungs, combined with low levels of Iron in the blood (Fe. attracts O2…), poor diet, stress and intestinal stasis. Combine this with the tendency to eat sugar in all its forms and products (even Ketchup!), then you have the ideal scenario for fermentation to take place. It must be emphasized that the use of antibiotics, however well intentioned, will eliminate the ‘good’ bacteria that keep Candida Albicans in check; this is probably the number one contributing factor that brings on this condition known simply as candida or yeast infections. Candida can involve one or more of the following symptoms: athlete’s foot, jock itch /yeast infections, mucus in the stool, bloating in the abdomen after eating, off-white coating of the tongue, rashes such as psoriasis, eczema, dandruff, ringing/itchiness in the ears, poor short term memory, cloudy thinking, along with a preference for sweets and yeasted foods (bread/beer). While this is not an exhaustive list, these symptoms are typical. This preparation contains a number of herbs that will specifically eliminate the fermentation, and the (end stage) fungus that characterizes this condition. Others provide an astringent action to reduce the swollen and inflamed tissues, others still will provide germicidal action, while the remainder offer support to the immune system. This formula should be taken with the WALNUT HULL TINCTURE to give stronger support to the main thrust of the above-mentioned herbs. Diet as well should be altered, preferably after consulting with a qualified healthcare practitioner. Of specific benefit is the elimination of sugar(s) and yeast (bread, beer.).

    Ingredients: Walnut Leaves, Jewelweed, Sheep Sorrel, Cedar Leaves, Chaparral Leaves, Purple Loosestrife, Echinacea Rt., Olive Leaves, Rue, Walnut Hulls, Cloves.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-3 capsules between meals, 2-3 times per day, depending on severity.
    Contra-Indications: Not to be used while pregnant or nursing.
    • Electra


    SKU: EN8. Category: .

    Product Description

    Diseases today are born of exhaustion – both biochemical and nerve exhaustion; for this reason, one of the most unnoticed, yet consistent forces affecting our health, is stress and its debilitating effects (over time) on our nerves and immunity. Many people live in high stress lifestyles, via traveling to work ,the work itself, noise/air pollution, etc. We malnourish our bodies with devitalized foods, thus depriving our nerves of the nourishment they require.. Relationships today are fraught with potentially stressful situations, whether it be familial, inter-personal, marital, or especially, societal. All of these can and do have a markedly diminishing effect on the nerves, causing us to be tense ,irritable ,moody, unable to sleep at night, and then carry out the next day’s duties and obligations. Irritated nerve filaments can, over time, initiate first hyper, then ultimately, hypo functioning of various organs, glands and systems, thus leading to a variety of ailments. When our nerves are depleted, we feel stressed, our sleep suffers, as do our relationships; our gut may be tied up in knots, constipation may ensue. We feel tired and drag ourselves out of bed, looking for the quick fix in a cup or three of coffee; tempers may flare, leading to ‘road-rage’, and most ominously of all, we may feel that there is no way out of our situation – whether a student, a disgruntled worker or a housewife looking after equally frustrated children. In all of these cases, we need to look after and feed our nerves. In addition to the holidays considered, or the day off work spent relaxing, it is imperative that we provide definite and appropriate support to the nerve force. This support comes in many forms – it could be the B-vitamins that are essential for proper nerve tone and function; it could also be found in Lecithin, a substance that helps to rebuild the myelin sheath surrounding the nerve filament. However, one of the best sources of (phyto) nutrients is found in the combination of roots and herbs in our ELECTRA. This formula is designed to not only provide immediate relief for stress, but to gradually help restore the nerves, thanks to the generous amounts of easily assimilable organic salts of Calcium, Magnesium and Silica. These herbs also provide specific compounds that soothe and sedate an overactive mind and body. St. John’s Wort and Scullcap – two of the stellar ingredients found herein,are of immense benefit in nerve exhaustion,poor sleep, volatility of the nerves, and even mild to moderate cases of depression. Roots such as Valerian promote a deep and sound sleep,while others such as Motherwort and Mistletoe calm the heart. This formula can be used over long periods of time to act as the aforementioned restorative for the nerves; equally, it can be used for the short term, in cases of disrupted sleep due to moments of stress. In either case, it is safe, effective and sure in its effect.

    Ingredients: Skullcap, Valerian Root, Blue Vervain, St. John’s Wort, Chamomile Flowers, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Red Clover, Catnip.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3-4 capsules before retiring, in cases of poor sleep. As a restorative, take 2 capsules mid-morning, and again late afternoon, or mid-evening. For best results, take on an empty stomach.
    Contra-Indications: This should not be used in combination with either MAO inhibitors, or SSRI agents such as Paxil, etc. Those on heart medications should likewise avoid its use, and as in most cases of herbs. NOT to be used during pregnancy.
    • D'nama


    SKU: EN7. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many people today suffer from heart disorders – palpitations, high blood pressure, tacchycardia, dysrythmia, etc. Given the fast-paced and stressful lifestyle that we lead today, it is not surprising that the heart tends to have problems carrying out is ceaseless activity. When we suffer from prolonged and unresolved stress, when our nerves are taut and on edge, this will always affect the heart. Our reliance on questionable foods such as fried or junk foods and the like, will equally contribute to the weakening of this tireless worker. Over time, the heart muscle becomes sensitive, inflamed and especially malnourished. The blood that bathes it seems unable to provide the necessary mineral salts and compounds to quell this disturbance. Given the endless bio-electrical activity behind the heartbeat, it is therefore most important for the heart to be given the appropriate ratios of minerals such as Potassium to Sodium, and Magnesium to Calcium. It is for this reason that we have combined the herbs listed above. Hawthorn and Motherwort both supply organic Calcium Chloride to nourish and support the heart muscle. Further, they also contain needed cardiac glycosides that serve to calm and pace the contractions, while gently lowering the blood pressure. Finally, glyco-proteins (mucopolysaccharides) in the Hawthorn help to sooth and restore irritated tissues.

    Ingredients: Hawthorn Berry and Flowers, Motherwort, Bugleweed, Red Sage Rt., Linden Flowers, Mistletoe, Rosemary Lvs.
    Suggested Dosage: Take 2-4 capsules mid-morning, and again late afternoon or evening. This can be combined with Hawthorn Tincture for those experiencing frequent and pronounced palpitations. See Hawthorn Tincture.
    Contra-Indications: This formula should not be used by those on pharmaceutical products for the heart. Consult your healthcare practitioner for further advice.
    • Clove Combination

    Clove Combination

    SKU: EN6. Category: .

    Product Description

    This mixture is used as part of the Parasite regimen. Cloves will kill the eggs of parasites. Unless they are dealt with, they will continue the life cycle, and mature later on, into the adult form. For those who have IBS, Crohn’s and other inflammatory conditions, ½ to 1 capsule sprinkled over / mixed into apple sauce or other pureed fruit. See PARA(dosage).

    Ingredients: Cloves, Cinnamon
    Suggested Dosage: Take 1 -2 capsules every time you take the recommended number of capsules of the PARA formula
    Contra-Indications: Not to be taken during pregnancy (may cause uter. stim.) or nursing (taste of milk is affected)
    • B.L.T. - Bone Ligament and Tissue

    B.L.T. – Bone Ligament and Tissue

    SKU: EN3. Category: .

    Product Description

    Many years ago, we offered bulk herb formulae in powder form to the health food stores. They in turn sold it in large glass jars; each customer would weigh out the desired amount, bag it up and take it home to put into capsules.

    The more popular ones were usually those of Dr John Christopher,a naturopath, master herbalist, and a devout Mormon from Utah. In the early 80’s, Dr Christopher was a gentle white haired practitioner who was legendary in the USA and Canada. He was a true healer who firmly believed in the healing powder of plants and the Divine Spirit that created them.

    While it can be reasonably argued that all his formulae were inspired to some degree by his faith, one formula stood out as having special significance – that formula was his Bone Ligament & Tissue formula.

    While listening to him at a lecture one day, he described a very bad injury sustained by a young child. The trauma involved broken bones, and serious damage to the flesh on those bones. Dr. Christopher was so compelled by what he saw, that he prayed to God for guidance in what should be given. Immediately, there came to mind a number of herbs (see below) and directions how to prepare and give as treatment.

    Dr Christopher stated that within a very short period of time ( unknown..) the young child was fully healed , with little evidence of the original trauma. He went on to say that he would employ this formula in all cases of broken bones, torn or pulled muscles and ligaments, and any other type of physical trauma that the body might suffer from.

    While we have sold this formula for a number of years now to help treat similar conditions, its substantial and, at times, impressive usefulness in arthritis, is only a recent discovery. It will significantly reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis and in combination with other formulae, will address the underlying fundamental disturbance in blood chemistry. This remedy alone is not intended to correct the arthritic condition; rather it is used as an adjunct in the overall treatment a practitioner might suggest. Whether knitting together broken bones, rebuilding damaged tissue, or assisting with post-operative surgical interventions, the BLT formula offers significant restorative action. Length of treatment will vary from case to case; however a period of at least one month is suggested as a minimum time to allow for these herbs to work. More chronic and serious cases naturally will require much longer time periods before noticing lasting improvement.

    NOTE: this formula should not be used during pregnancy or by nursing mothers.

    Ingredients: White Oak Bark, Comfrey Rt., Althea Rt. , Mullein Leaves, Walnut Leaves, Gravel Rt., Wormwood, Scullcap
    Suggested Dosage: Take 3 capsules morning, and again late afternoon or evening.
    Contra-Indications: This formula should not be used during pregnancy or by nursing mothers.